Dear Dorset...
My skin’s all sandy, my hair’s a mess and I’ve traded bikini blues for a crochet bikini I fell in love with last week. The sea is so still, it murmurs ever so slightly and I can hear the splashes of a boat sailing by. My man’s sprawled out beside me, lost in a totally lazy moment and all I can think is … I’m so happy I’m here…
I jotted that down whilst sitting on Studland Beach yesterday. My Gran once told me, “Take a pad and pen with you on your travels and everyday write a little bit about what you did … that way you’ll always remember” and I try to do just that.
The last two days have been blissful to say the least. We’ve skimmed heaps of stones at Lulworth Cove, played bat and ball until we’re sleepy at Studland Beach and gone for a dip at Durdle Door.
It’s no real surprise that so many authors (I happen to love) feature dear old Dorset in their books. Paige Toon describes it as One Perfect Summer and Enid Blyton loved Corfe Castle so much, they built a little shop called Ginger Pop in her honour. Actually, outside Ginger Pop is a Wishing Chair (like the one she wrote all about) and do I sit in it every time I’m there and make a wish? Duhhh … of course.
We stayed in Lulworth Cove, because it’s by far the best Cove around. And our view of this lully place was something special. There’s a shop filled with fudge nearby and dainty cottages all around.
Rucksacks at the ready, we set off to Durdle Door. And after lunch on the pebbles and a dip in the sea, we started back up the hill. Next on the list … chips along the seafront in Swanage. With extra salt. And extra vinegar.
There’s the ultimate ‘bits & bobs’ shop in Swanage and it’s called the Curiosity Shop. And just around the corner from it, is Chococo. Which we may have visited on our second day. I’m so happy Bradley has a sweet tooth, that’s able to compete with mine. It makes trips to chocolate shops even sweeter.
Studland is the beach to go to when you’re in Dorset and that we did. After a swim in the sea and total beach laziness we continued our love affair with food at The Pig On The Beach. And honestly, the food was LUSH. So yeah, we will probably, certainly, definitely be going there again.
Why do I love Dorset so much? I can just be me, and be around the things I love most of all. The places filled with memories, my fellow explorer, Bradley and the feeling I get once I’m there … like life is just a bit lighter.
Like all women everywhere, I get major bikini anxiety, but this week, I told it to go away. That nothing was going to stop me running into the sea in a totally goofy way, with my special someone.
So go on ... explore ... be happy ... and rock your bikini this summer!
Bridie x

Rucksack at the ready.

Hey you...

Durdle Door.

Outside Ginger Pop!

Inside a Sweet Shop!

Chococo goodness.

Our home for the night.

Sunshine included! And this yellow swimsuit is from ASOS ... it's a brand called Pistol Panties (no I am not making that up!) so comfy and I got it in the sale, £50 down from £190!!!



Please appear in front of me again.

Dear Dorset...
We'll be back soon...